Installing DirectConnect 12.6.1 with ASE 15.0

As a result of incompatibilities with Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.0, Sybase strongly recommends that you install the Enterprise Connect Data Access 12.6.1 options, including DirectConnect Manager, in their own product directory.

ASE 15.0 includes new major versions of ASE and many of the common supporting components shared by other products. All other current Sybase products (for example, Replication Server® 12.6 or Enterprise Connect Data Access 12.6.1) contain earlier versions of those same components. Installing ASE 15.0 into the same directory with existing products should not impact the existing products. However, installing other products after ASE 15.0 may result in one or more products not working correctly. Sybase recommends that you install ASE 15.0 into its own directory, if possible. When ASE cannot installed into a separate directory (for example, on Windows) and when other products must be installed into the same directory, install ASE 15.0 as the last product.