Job Scheduler Agent cannot terminate a job on request

[CR #326255] The Job Scheduler Agent cannot terminate a job on request.


  1. Retrieve the spid and target server name from the stored procedures used in the job you want to terminate. The GUI displays this information.

    List all running jobs by scheduled job name:

    sp_sjobhelp @name='sjname=<sjob name>', @option='all_users,running'

    The following values are returned:

    List all running jobs by job name:

    sp_sjobhelp @name='jname=<job name>', @option='all_users,running'

    The following values are returned:

  2. Log on to the target server.

  3. Use sp_who to check that the job you want to terminate has the spid associated with the user_run you expect.

  4. Terminate the job. Enter:

    kill spid