Global variables

See Reference Manual: Building Blocks for details.


Returns the number of times an Adaptive Server installation has been booted.


Returns the date and time Adaptive Server was last booted.


Returns the number of rows to be buffered in local server memory before being transferred using the bulk copy interface Used only with Component Integration Services for transferring rows to a remote server using select into.


Returns the number of rows transferred to a remote server via select into proxy_table using the bulk interface. Used only with Component Integration Services for transferring rows to a remote server using select into.


Returns 0 if character set conversion is not in effect. Returns 1 if character set conversion is in effect.


Returns 0 if cis rpc handling is off. Returns 1 if cis rpc handling is on.


Returns the date and version of Component Integration Services.


Returns the expansion factor used when converting from the server character set to the client character set.


Returns -1 if the client character set has never been initialized. Returns the client character set ID from syscharsets for the connection if the client character set has been initialized.


Returns NULL if client character set has never been initialized. Returns the name of the character set for the connection if the client character set has been initialized.


Returns the current mode of Adaptive Server in a high availability environment.


Returns the number of user logins attempted.


Returns the number of seconds, in CPU time, that Adaptive Server's CPU was performing Adaptive Server work.


Returns the current session’s lock owner ID.


Set using set datefirst n where n is a value between 1 and 7. Returns the current value of @@datefirst, indicating the specified first day of each week, expressed as tinyint.


Returns the timestamp of the current database.


Returns the error number most recently generated by the system.


Returns the full path to the directory in which the Adaptive Server errorlog is kept, relative to $SYBASE directory (%SYBASE% on NT).


Returns a value greater than 0 if the connection to the primary companion has failed over and is executing on the secondary companion server. Used only in a high availability environment, and is session-specific.


Returns the ID of the guest user.


Returns the name of the companion server in a high availability setup.


Returns a value greater than 0 if the connection has the failover property enabled. This is a session-specific property.


Returns the size of the heap memory pool, in bytes.


Returns the most recently generated IDENTITY column value.


Returns the number of seconds, in CPU time, that Adaptive Server has been idle.


Returns a value of -1 for an invalid user ID.


Returns the number of seconds in CPU time that Adaptive Server has spent doing input and output operations.


Returns the value of the session-specific isolation level (0, 1, or 3) of the current Transact-SQL program.


Returns the starting address of the first shared memory region that contains the kernel region. The result is in the form of 0xaddress pointer value.


Returns the size of the kernel region that is part of the first shared memory region.


Returns the server-wide language ID of the language in use, as specified in syslanguages.langid.


Returns the name of the language in use, as specified in


Set using set lock wait n. Returns the current lock_timeout setting, in milliseconds.


Returns the maximum length, in bytes, of a character in Adaptive Server's default character set.


Returns the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be made with Adaptive Server in the current computer environment. You can configure Adaptive Server for any number of connections less than or equal to the value of @@max_connections with the number of user connections configuration parameter.


Returns the highest group user ID. The highest value is 1048576.


Returns the server's logical page size.


Returns the precision level used by decimal and numeric datatypes set by the server. This value is a fixed constant of 38.


Returns maximum valid value for the spid.


Returns the highest server user ID. The default value is 2147483647.


Returns the highest user ID. The highest value is 2147483647.


Returns the global memory pool table address. The result is in the form 0xaddress pointer value. This variable is for internal use.


Returns the lowest group user ID. The lowest value is 16384.


Returns the minimum size of a named cache pool, in kilobytes. It is calculated based on the DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE, which is 256, and the current value of max database page size.


Returns 1, which is the lowest value for spid.


Returns the minimum server user ID. The lowest value is -32768.


Returns the lowest user ID. The lowest value is -32768.


Returns the maximum length, in bytes, of a character set in the current server default character set.


Returns the current nesting level.


Returns the current installation's 48-bit node identifier. Adaptive Server generates a nodeid the first time the master device is first used, and uniquely identifies an Adaptive Server installation.


Returns a hexadecimal representation of the session's set options.


Returns the number of errors detected by Adaptive Server while reading and writing packets.


Retruns the number of input packets read by Adaptive Server.


Returns the nmber of output packets written by Adaptive Server.


Returns the server’s virtual page size.


Returns the current maximum parallel degree setting.


Returns a value of 2 for the probe user ID.


Returns the stored procedure ID of the currently executing procedure.


Returns the number of rows affected by the last query. @@rowcount is set to 0 by any command that does not return rows, such as an if, update, or delete statement. With cursors, @@rowcount represents the cumulative number of rows returned from the cursor result set to the client, up to the last fetch request.


Returns the current maximum parallel degree setting for nonclustered index scans.


Returns the name of Adaptive Server.


Returns the shared memory region properties. This variable is for internal use. There are a total of 13 different properties values corresponding to 13 bits in the integer. The valid values represented from low to high bit are: MR_SHARED, MR_SPECIAL, MR_PRIVATE, MR_READABLE, MR_WRITABLE, MR_EXECUTABLE, MR_HWCOHERENCY, MR_SWCOHERENC, MR_EXACT, MR_BEST, MR_NAIL, MR_PSUEDO, MR_ZERO.


Returns the server process ID of the current process.


Returns status information (warning exceptions) resulting from the execution of a fetch statement.


Returns the amount of character data returned from a toString() method. The default is 50. Max values may be up to 2GB. A value of zero specifies the default value.


Returns a valid temporary database ID (dbid) of the session’s assigned temporary database.


Returns the column ID of the column referenced by @@textptr.


Returns the database ID of a database containing an object with the column referenced by @@textptr.


Returns the object ID of an object containing the column referenced by @@textptr.


Returns the text pointer of the last text or image column inserted or updated by a process (Not the same as the textptr function).


Returns 0 if the current status of the textptr_parameters configuration parameter is off. Returns 1 if the current status of the textptr_parameters if on.


Returns the limit on the number of bytes of text or image data a selec5 returns. Default limit is 32K bytes for isql; the default depends on the client software. Can be changed for a session with set textsize.


Returns the text timestamp of the column referenced by @@textptr.


Returns the decrease in free space required to activate a threshold. This amount, also known as the hysteresis value, is measured in 2K database pages. It determines how closely thresholds can be placed on a database segment.


Returns the number of microseconds per tick. The amount of time per tick is machine-dependent.


Returns the number of errors detected by Adaptive Server while reading and writing.


Returns the number of disk reads by Adaptive Server.


Returns the number of disk writes by Adaptive Server.


Returns 0 if the current transaction mode of the Transact-SQL program is unchained. Returns 1 if the current transaction mode of the Transact-SQL program is chained.


Returns the nesting level of transactions in the current user session.


Returns 0 if RPCs to remote servers are transactional. Returns 1 if RPCs to remote servers are not transactional.


Returns the current state of a transaction after a statement executes in the current user session.


Returns 2, the size of a character in unichar.


Returns the date, version string, and so on of the current release of Adaptive Server.


Returns the version of the current release of Adaptive Server as an integer.