Chapter 12, “Command Line Tools”


(CR #481055) When you deploy a self-contained application, you can configure the application to use all the classes from the internal class loader by setting the disableResolveFirstBySystem property to true. For example:

deploy.bat -disableResolveFirstBySystem foo.war

(CR #475510) The documentation that states the deploy command line tool includes an -eas5naming option is incorrect. This option is not supported.

(CR #475511) EAServer 6.1 does not support the -jsr154filter option for the deploy command line tool. -jsr154filter will be supported in a later version of EAServer.

wlogin and wlogout

(CR #443144) The command line tools wlogin and wlogout support only the following syntax:

wlogin <host:port>
wlgout <host:port>

Chapter 12 incorrectly states that you can pass the server name if it is defined in the local repository.