Editing the httpd.conf configuration file

The httpd.conf file:

Sample httpd.conf file

The following lines illustrate a sample httpd.conf file.

LoadModule easredirector_module modules/libjeas2_mod.so
EASConfigFile WEB_SERVER_HOME\conf\conn_config
ServerName www.myhost.com
<LocationMatch /examples/*|/estore/* >
SetHandler eas-handler

At the end of the WEB_SERVER_HOME/conf/httpd.conf file, add the directives defined in the sample above, where:

The redirector configuration file can be any name and location you choose, but it must be identified by EASConfigFile. In this example, conn_config is the name of the redirector configuration file. You must supply the full path to this file. See “Editing the redirector configuration file” for a description of configuration parameters.

WARNING! The Apache Web server must use the dynamic shared object (DSO) to load redirector modules and files. See your Apache Web server documentation for more information about building the Apache Web server with DSO support.

This is an Apache Web server directive:

<LocationMatch contextpath1 | contextpath2 | contextpath3>
SetHandler eas-handler /

When an HTTP request arrives and the starting path matches contextpath1, contextpath2, or contextpath3, eas-handler is invoked. The contextpath corresponds to the Web Application context path. If the path is set to “/*”, all requests are sent to the redirector. See “Defining context paths” for more information.