Using ODBC to connect to ASE

If you are using ASE as a data source, and FreeTDS as the database driver, you must configure the EAServer.

  1. Add the data source information to $JAGUAR/freetds/etc/freetds.conf file. For example, to connect to the MySybase sample database, enter:

    host = ASE hostname
    port = 5000
    tds version = 5.0


    Test the connection to MySybase using the command-line tool in $JAGUAR/freetds/bin/tsql.

    ./tsql -S MySybase -U dba -P dba

    If the connection is successful, the data source name should be the same as the ASE database name. This implies that FreeTDS is working correctly.

  2. Modify the odbcinst.ini file in $JAGUAR/unixodbc to include the ODBC data source information. Add an ODBC driver item to include the FreeTDS ODBC library. For example:

    Description = Sybase ASE ODBC Driver
    Driver = $JAGUAR/freetds/lib/
    Setup = $JAGUAR/unixodbc/lib/
    TDS_Version = 5
    UsageCount = 3
    CPTimeout =
    CPReuse =
  3. Add the ODBC data source information to $JAGUAR/unixodbc/odbc.ini. For example:

    Driver = SybaseASE
    Trace = yes
    Servername = ASE hostname
    Port = 5000
    Database = tempdb
    uid = dba

    The name of the driver must be the same as that defined in odbcinst.ini. The server name is the database name without the extension.

    To verify whether the connection is correct, go to $JAGUAR/unixodbc/bin, and use the isql command-line tool to execute:

    ./isql testase user password

    If isql shows a command prompt rather than an error message, the connection is successful.