Ping fails when the value of databaseURL is “[default]”

(CR #467797) If you create a data source to access either a Sybase_ASA or SQL_Anywhere database type, and set the value of the databaseURL property to “[default],” attempts to ping the database fail and this message displays:

Ping failed due to exception: Use of the JIT driver wrapper for SQL Anywhere requires use of the underlying IAnywhere JDBC/ODBC driver - please reconfigure data source 'asa10demo' to include the odbcDataSource property. Please see the server log file for additional details.

Workaround: Set the databaseURL property to “jdbc:odbc:driver=EAS 6.0 ASA;uid=dba;pwd=sql;eng=<asa10_db_alias>,” where <asa10_db_alias> is the value of the -n parameter that is used when starting the database.