Using Transact-SQL to monitor performance

Providing monitoring information as tables enables you to use Transact-SQL to monitor Adaptive Server. For example, to identify the Transact-SQL statements that are currently consuming CPU, enter:

select s.SPID, s.CpuTime, t.LineNumber, t.SQLText
from monProcessStatement s, monProcessSQLText t
where s.SPID=t.SPID
order by s.CpuTime, s.SPID, t.LineNumber desc

You can use this same query to find the SQL statements that are using the most physical I/O by substituting CpuTime for PhysicalReads.

The information in each monitoring table can be sorted, selected, joined, inserted into another table, and treated much the same as the information in a regular Adaptive Server table.

The tables are read-only because they are in-memory tables that are generated as they are queried.

Access to these tables is restricted to users with the mon_role role.The definitions for the monitoring tables have a similar syntax to CIS definitions, which allow remote procedures to be defined as local tables. For example, the following syntax is used to create the monNetworkIO table on a server named “loopback:

create existing table monNetworkIO ( 
    PacketsSent int,
    PacketsReceived int,
    BytesSent int,
    BytesReceived int,
external procedure 
at "loopback...$monNetworkIO"

See the Performance and Tuning Guide for more information.