
The thesaurus operator searches for documents containing a synonym for a search element. For example, you might perform a search using the word “dog,” looking for documents that use any of its synonyms (“canine,” “pooch,” “pup,” “watchdog,” and so on). Each result is relevance-ranked.

The Enhanced Full-Text Search engine supplies a default thesaurus. You can also create a custom thesaurus. See “Creating a custom thesaurus”.

The following example uses the thesaurus operator to find a result set that contains synonyms for the word “crave.” The first document is selected because it contains the word “want;” the second, because it contains the word “hunger:”

select t2.copy
from i_blurbs t1, blurbs t2
and t1.index_any = "<thesaurus>(crave)"
score     copy 
----- -----------------------------------------------------------
78    They asked me to write about myself and my book, so here
    goes:  I started a restaurant called "de Gustibus" with two
    . . . 
    of restaurant over another, when what they really want is a 
    . . .
78    A chef’s chef and a raconteur’s raconteur, Reginald
    Blotchet-Halls calls London his second home. "Th’ palace
    . . . 
    his equal skill in satisfying our perpetual hunger for
    . . .