

Reports information about a specific cursor or all cursors that are active for your session.


sp_cursorinfo [{cursor_level | null}] [, cursor_name]


cursor_level | null

is the level at which Adaptive Server returns information for the cursors. You can specify the following for cursor_level:


Types of cursors


Any cursors declared inside stored procedures at a specific procedure nesting level. You can specify any positive number for its level.


Any cursors declared outside stored procedures.


Any cursors from either of the above. You can substitute any negative number for this level.

If you want information about cursors with a specific cursor_name, regardless of cursor level, specify null for this parameter.


is the specific name for the cursor. Adaptive Server reports information about all active cursors that use this name at the cursor_level you specify. If you omit this parameter, Adaptive Server reports information about all the cursors at that level.


Example 1

Displays the information about the cursor named authors_crsr at level 0:

sp_cursorinfo 0, authors_crsr
Cursor name 'authors_crsr' is declared at nesting level '0'.
The cursor id is 327681
The cursor has been successfully opened 1 times.
The cursor was compiled at isolation level 0.
The cursor is not open.
The cursor will remain open when a transaction is commited or rolled back.
The number of rows returned for each FETCH is 1.
The cursor is read only.
There are 3 columns returned by this cursor.
The result columns are:
Name = 'au_id', Table = 'authors', Type = ID, 
     Length = 11 (read only)
Name = 'au_lname', Table = 'authors', Type = VARCHAR, 
Length = 40 (read only)
Name = 'au_fname', Table = 'authors', Type = VARCHAR, 
Length = 20 (read only)

Example 2

Displays the information about any cursors named author_sales declared by a user across all levels:

sp_cursorinfo null, author_sales
Cursor name 'author_sales' is declared on procedure 'au_sales'.
Cursor name 'author_sales' is declared at nesting level '1'.
The cursor id is 327682
The cursor has been successfully opened 1 times.
The cursor was compiled at isolation level 1.
The cursor is currently scanning at a nonzero isolation level.
The cursor is positioned after the last row.
The cursor will be closed when a transaction is commited or rolled back.
The number of rows returned for each FETCH is 1.
The cursor is updatable.
There are 3 columns returned by this cursor.
The result columns are:
Name = 'title_id', Table = 'titleauthor', Type = ID, 
      Length = 11 (updatable)
Name = 'title', Table = 'titles', Type = VARCHAR, 
      Length = 80 (updatable)
Name = 'total_sales', Table = 'titles', Type = INT (updatable)



Any user can execute sp_cursorinfo.

See also

Commands declare cursor, set