create proxy_table


Component Integration Services only Creates a proxy table without specifying a column list. Component Integration Services derives the column list from the metadata it obtains from the remote table.


create proxy_table table_name
	[on segment_name]
	[ external [ table | directory | file ] ]
	at pathname
	[column delimiter “<string>”]



specifies the local proxy table name to be used by subsequent statements. table_name takes the form dbname.owner.object, where dbname and owner are optional and represent the local database and owner name. If dbname is not specified, the table is created in the current database; if owner is not specified, the table is owned by the current user. If either dbname or owner is specified, the entire table_name must be enclosed in quotes. If only dbname is present, a placeholder is required for owner.

on segment_name

specifies the segment that contains the remote table.

external table

specifies that the object is a remote table or view. external table is the default, so this clause is optional.

external directory

specifies that the object is a directory with a path in the following format: "/tmp/directory_name [;R]". “R” indicates “recursive.”

external file

specifies that the object is a file with a path in the following format: "/tmp/filename".

at pathname

specifies the location of the remote object. pathname takes the form server_name.dbname.owner.object, where:

column delimiter

used to separate fields within each record when accesssing flat files, column delimiters The column delimiter can be up to 16 bytes long.


The column delimiter string can be any character sequencer, but if the string is longer than 16 bytes, only the first 16 bytes are used. The use of column delimiter for proxy tables mapped to anything but files will result in a syntax error.


Example 1

This example creates a proxy table named t1 that is mapped to the remote table t1. Component Integration Services derives the column list from the remote table:

create proxy_table t1 
at "SERVER_A.db1.joe.t1"


Proxy tables and extents

Proxy tables in earlier versions of Adaptive Server occupy one extent (8 pages), as well as one extent for each index on a proxy table. In a pre- server with 16K logical page size, each proxy table uses 128K worth of space.

In Adaptive Server, proxy tables and indexes do not use extents; they use space only in the system catalogs, which Sybase estimates to be 1MB per 100 proxy tables (assuming an average of two indexes per table). The normal upgrade does not reclaim this unused space. To reclaim this space, first drop, then re-create the proxy table.


ANSI SQL – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.


create proxy_table permission defaults to the table owner and is not transferable.

See also

Commands create existing table, create table