Invalid permissions

The RepAgent user must have connect source permission for the Replication Server; otherwise, RepAgent error 9211 is displayed in the Adaptive Server error log:

00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.12 server
RepAgent(4): Received the following error message from
the Replication Server: Msg 37024. CONNECT SOURCE
permission is required to execute command..
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.24 server  Error:
9261, Severity: 20, State: 0
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.27 server
RepAgent(4): This Rep Agent Thread is aborting due to
an unrecoverable communications or Replication Server
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.27 server  Rep Agent
Thread for database 'westRS_RSSD' (dbid = 4) terminated
abnormally with error. (major 92, minor 61)