Getting connection configuration information

The sp_configprimaryconn and sp_configreplicateconn procedures can return information about the configuration of primary and replicate database connections.

See “Connection configuration parameters” for information about database connection configuration parameters.

StepsTo get configuration information about a primary database connection

  1. Use sp_configprimaryconn with the following syntax to specify a database connection:

    sp_configprimaryconn "conn_name"

    where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db.

StepsTo get information about a specific configuration parameter for a primary database connection

  1. Use sp_configprimaryconn with the following syntax to specify the database connection and the parameter name:

    sp_configprimaryconn "conn_name", param

    where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db, and param is the configuration parameter name.

StepsTo get configuration information about a replicate database connection

  1. Use sp_configreplicateconn with the following syntax to specify a database connection:

    sp_configreplicateconn "conn_name"

    where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db.

StepsTo get information about a specific configuration parameter for a replicate database connection

  1. Use sp_configreplicateconn with the following syntax to specify the database connection and the parameter name:

    sp_configreplicateconn "conn_name", param

    where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db, and param is the configuration parameter name.