Parser classes

You can create custom date, int, and float parsers and plug them into the system.

All parsers implement this common base interface:

     getId() : short
     setId(short) : void
     getName() : java.lang.String
     setName(java.lang.String) : void
     init( void

This interface defines methods that facilitate tracking and displaying information about parser instances loaded in Sybase Search, mainly simple GET and SET methods. There is also an initialization method which takes a map of parameters should the parser require any—this method is guaranteed to be called before parsing commences. You can extend the convenience base class com.isdduk.text.AbstractParser.

Irrespective of whether the convenience base class is utilized, each custom parser class must provide a no arguments constructor and implement the appropriate one of these three specialized parser interfaces:

     parse(java.lang.String, com.isdduk.util.set.LongSet) : boolean
     parse(java.lang.String) : com.isdduk.util.set.LongSet
     format(long) : java.lang.String
     parse(java.lang.String, com.isdduk.util.set.IntSet) : boolean
     parse(java.lang.String) : com.isdduk.util.set.IntSet
     format(int) : java.lang.String
     parse(java.lang.String, com.isdduk.util.set.FloatSet) : boolean
     parse(java.lang.String) : com.isdduk.util.set.FloatSet
     format(float) : java.lang.String

The parse method, which returns a Boolean result, should contain the parsing logic; the other parse method should simply create a suitable set object and delegate the call, as it is a convenience method for when there is no suitable set object in its scope. The format method should reverse the parse process and return the date, int, or float value as a string (although this is not always possible).

NoteThe date parser turns date strings into long values—the number of milliseconds that have passed since the 1st of January 1970 in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).