Creating, editing, and removing document groups

You can create, edit, and remove document groups.

StepsTo create a document group

  1. From the Document Management page, select Document Groups. The Document Groups page appears.

  2. From the Document Groups page, click Create New. The Create Document Group page appears.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name used to uniquely identify the document group.

  4. Select the document stores that you want to include in the group and click Add.

  5. Click Create. You return to the Document Groups page and the new document group is added to the list.

StepsTo edit a document group

  1. From the Document Groups page, select the document group that you want to edit and click Edit. The Edit Document Group page appears.

  2. Make the changes. You can change the name of the document group. You can also add or remove document stores from the document group.

StepsTo remove a document group

  1. From the Document Groups page, select the document group that you want to remove.

  2. Click Remove. Sybase Search displays a message box to verify whether to remove the document group.

  3. Click Yes. The document group is removed from the system.