

Removes rows from a table.


delete [from] [[database.]owner.]{view_name|table_name}
 [where search_conditions] 
delete [[database.]owner.]{table_name | view_name} 
 [from [[database.]owner.]{view_name|table_name
 [(index index_name [ prefetch size ][lru|mru])]} 
  [, [[database.]owner.]{view_name|table_name
 (index index_name [ prefetch size ][lru|mru])]} ]...] 
 [where search_conditions] 
delete [from] [[database.]owner.]{table_name|view_name}
 where current of cursor_name 


Server class ASEnterprise

If Component Integration Services cannot forward the original query without alteration, it performs the delete using method 2.

Server class ASAnywhere

If Component Integration Services cannot forward the original query without alteration, it performs the delete using method 2.

Server class ASIQ

If Component Integration Services cannot forward the original query without alteration, it performs the delete using method 2.

Server class direct_connect

Server class db2

See also

delete in the Reference Manual