check subscription


Finds the materialization status of a subscription to a replication definition or a publication.


check subscription sub_name
	for {table_rep_def | function_rep_def |
	[ publication pub_name | database replication definition db_repdef  ]
	with primary at data_server.database }
	with replicate at data_server.database



The name of the subscription to check.

for table_rep_def

Specifies the name of the table replication definition the subscription is for.

for function_rep_def

Specifies the name of the function replication definition the subscription is for.

for publication pub_name

Specifies the name of the publication the subscription is for.

database replication definition db_repdef

Specifies the name of the database replication definition the subscription is for.

with primary at data_server.database

Specifies the location of the primary data. If the primary database is part of a warm standby application, data_server.database is the name of the logical data server and database. Include this clause only for a subscription for a publication.

with replicate at data_server.database

Specifies the location of the replicate data. If the replicate database is part of a warm standby application, data_server.database is the name of the logical data server and database.


Example 1

Checks the status of the subscription titles_sub for the replication definition titles_rep, where the replicate database is SYDNEY_DS.pubs2:

check subscription titles_sub
 for titles_rep
 with replicate at SYDNEY_DS.pubs2

Example 2

Checks the status of the subscription pubs2_sub for the publication pubs2_pub, where the primary database is TOKYO_DS.pubs2 and the replicate database is SYDNEY_DS.pubs2:

check subscription pubs2_sub
 for publication pubs2_pub
 with primary at TOKYO_DS.pubs2
 with replicate at SYDNEY_DS.pubs2


Messages returned by check subscription


Any user may execute this command.

See also

activate subscription, check publication, create subscription, define subscription, drop subscription, validate subscription