

Enables or disables replication for a stored procedure or displays the current replication status of a stored procedure.


sp_setrepproc [proc_name [, {'function' | 'table' | 'false'} [,
	{'log_current' | 'log_sproc' }]]]



The name of a stored procedure in the current database.


Enables replication for a stored procedure associated with a function replication definition.


Enables replication for a stored procedure associated with a table replication definition. This option is equivalent to executing sp_setreplicate on the procedure.


Disables replication for the stored procedure.


Logs the execution of the stored procedure you are replicating in the current database, not the database where the replicated stored procedure resides.


Logs the execution of the stored procedure you are replicating in the database where the stored procedure resides, not in the current database. log_sproc is the default.


Example 1

Displays the replication status for all of the stored procedures in the current database. For each procedure, indicates whether it is enabled for replication at all, enabled using a function replication definition, or enabled using a table replication definition.


Example 2

Displays the replication status for the upd_pubs stored procedure. Indicates whether the stored procedure is enabled for replication at all, enabled using a function replication definition, or enabled using a table replication definition.

sp_setrepproc upd_pubs

Example 3

Enables replication for the upd_pubs stored procedure for use with a function replication definition. The execution of upd_pubs is logged in the database where upd_pubs resides.

sp_setrepproc upd_pubs, 'function'

Example 4

Enables replication for the upd_pubs stored procedure for use with a table replication definition. The execution of upd_pubs is logged in the database where upd_pubs resides.

sp_setrepproc upd_pubs, 'table'

Example 5

Enables replication for the upd_pubs stored procedure for use with a table replication definition. The execution of upd_pubs is logged in the current database.

sp_setrepproc upd_pubs, 'table', 'log_current'

Example 6

Enables replication for the upd_publ stored procedure for use with a table replication definition. The execution of upd_pubs is logged in the database where upd_pubs resides.

sp_setrepproc upd_pubs, 'table', 'log_sproc'


See also

sp_reptostandby, sp_setreplicate, sp_setreptable