Closing and deallocating cursors

When you are finished with the result set of a cursor, you can close it using:

close cursor_name

Closing the cursor does not change its definition. If you reopen a cursor Adaptive Server creates a new cursor result set using the same query as before. For example:

close authors_crsr
open authors_crsr

You can then fetch from authors_crsr, starting from the beginning of its cursor result set. Any conditions associated with that cursor (such as the number of rows fetched defined by set cursor rows) remain in effect.

For example:

fetch authors_crsr
au_id       au_lname            au_fname
----------- ------------------- ---------------
341-22-1782 Smith               Meander
527-72-3246 Greene              Morningstar
648-92-1872 Blotchet-Halls      Reginald
(3 rows affected)

To discard a cursor, you must deallocate it using:

deallocate cursor cursor_name

Deallocating a cursor frees up any resources associated with the cursor, including the cursor name. You cannot reuse a cursor name until you deallocate it. If you deallocate an open cursor, Adaptive Server automatically closes it. Terminating a client connection to a server also closes and deallocates any open cursors.