Checking the status from the last fetch

@@sqlstatus contains status information resulting from the last fetch statement for the current user session. @@sqlstatus may contain the following values:

Table 14-4: @@sqlstatus values




The fetch statement completed successfully.


The fetch statement resulted in an error.


There is no more data in the result set. This warning occurs if the current cursor position is on the last row in the result set and the client submits a fetch command for that cursor.

@@sqlstatus has no effect on @@error output. For example, the following batch sets @@sqlstatus to 1 by causing the fetch@@error statement to result in an error. However, @@error reflects the number of the error message, not the @@sqlstatus output:

declare csr1 cursor
for select * from sysmessages
for read only
open csr1
    declare @xyz varchar(255)
    fetch csr1 into @xyz
    select error = @@error
    select sqlstatus = @@sqlstatus
Msg 553, Level 16, State 1:
Line 3:
The number of parameters/variables in the FETCH INTO clause does not match the number of columns in cursor ’csr1’ result set.

At this point, the @@error global variable is set to 553, the number of the last generated error. @@sqlstatus is set to 1.