Cascading delete example

When a delete statement on titles is executed, one or more rows leave the titles table and are added to deleted. A trigger can check the dependent tables—titleauthor, salesdetail, and roysched—to see if they have any rows with a title_id that matches the title_ids removed from titles and is now stored in the deleted table. If the trigger finds any such rows, it removes them.

create trigger delcascadetrig 
on titles 
for delete 
delete titleauthor 
from titleauthor, deleted 
where titleauthor.title_id = deleted.title_id 
/* Remove titleauthor rows that match deleted
** (titles) rows.*/

delete salesdetail 
from salesdetail, deleted 
where salesdetail.title_id = deleted.title_id 
/* Remove salesdetail rows that match deleted
** (titles) rows.*/ 
delete roysched 
from roysched, deleted 
where roysched.title_id = deleted.title_id 
/* Remove roysched rows that match deleted
** (titles) rows.*/