What you need to know

Default date ranges

Every time LTM for MVS starts, it checks default values for the Date_conv_default and Time_conv_default parameters in the LTM for MVS configuration file. The valid date and time value ranges include:

  • Year: 1753 – 9999

  • Month: 01 – 12

  • Day: 01 – 31

  • Hour: 00 – 24

  • Minute: 00 – 59

  • Second: 00 – 59

NoteASE does not accept year values earlier than 1753. Set the value of the Date_in_char LTM for MVS configuration parameter to Y (yes) to pass year values outside this range as char data.

float approximate datatypes

LTM for MVS supports two versions of float in the standard MVS floating point representation.

Different operating system platforms handle float datatypes differently. Depending on your system hardware, the 16th digit of float rounds unpredictably.

Check the documentation for the source and target ASE operating systems and compare it to the LTM for MVS datatype handling documentation in this chapter.

decimal and Replication Server float datatypes

LTM for MVS does not convert decimal to float, but leaves it as LTM for MVS decimal.

The float datatype on Replication Server is accurate to only 15 digits depending on the platform you use.

Replication Agent handling of char for bit data columns

Replication Agent replicates char for bit data in binary format.

graphic and vargraphic columns

graphic or vargraphic datatypes are replicated as BINARY. LTM for MVS truncates these fields at 127 characters (2 bytes per character).