LTMOC messages

Table C-2 lists LTMOC messages.

Table C-2: LTMOC messages



User action recommended

02001 Starting LTM Open Client LTL connection.

Beginning connection process to Rep Server.

Informational message.

02002 Failed to allocate CS_CONTEXT in cs_ctx_alloc().

LTMOC encountered an error calling cs_ctx_alloc.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

02003 ct_init() call failed.

LTMOC encountered an error calling cs_init.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

02004 Failed to allocate CS_CONNECTION in ct_con_alloc().

LTMOC encountered an error calling ct_con_alloc.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

02005 Failed to set a property in the CS_CONNECTION structure. Property = ‘%0s’,value = ‘%1d’.

LTMOC encountered an error calling ct_con_props.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

02006 ct_diag call failed.

LTMOC encountered an error calling ct_diag.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

02007 Connection to %0s ’%1s’ failed.

LTMOC encountered an error calling ct_connect.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

Check RS=, RS_user, and RS_pw parameters and message 02008.

02008 severity: ‘%0d, message: ‘%1s’.

Message texre-runt from ct_diag call.

Message contains text of client and server messages from ct_diag calls.

02009 Failed to allocate a CS_COMMAND structure.

LTMOC encountered an error calling ct_command_alloc.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

02010 ct_command failed cmd=’%0s’.

LTMOC encountered an error calling ct_command.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

02011 ct_send failed.

LTMOC encountered an error calling ct_send.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

02012 ct_results failed.

LTMOC encountered an error calling ct_results.

Check region memory parameter and Open Client License key.

02020 LTMOC SNDBUFR call failed.

LTMOC encountered an error sending data to the Rep Server.

Turn on tracing, re-run, and call Technical Support.

02021 LTMOC SNDASYNC call failed.

LTMOC encountered an error sending data to the Rep Server.

Turn on tracing, re-run, and call Technical Support.

02022 LTMOC Connect Source call failed, check rs_source_ds/ rs_source_db

LTMOC encountered an error sending a connect source command to Rep Server.

Check the rs_source_ds and rs_source_db parameters in the configuration file.

02023 LTMOC MAINTUSR call failed.

LTMOC encountered an error trying to get the Maintenance User from Rep Server.

Check to make sure Rep Server is running.

02024 LTMOC GETTRUNC call failed.

LTMOC encountered an error trying to get the truncpoint from Rep Server.

Check to make sure Rep Server is running.