
Identifies the name of the code page that DB2 is currently using. To identify the code page DB2 is using, check the value of the CCSID initialization parameter in DB2.

The Codepage parameter is optional.

WARNING! If you change the DB2 CCSID setting in the DSNTIPF panel, you must also do the following to ensure LTM resumes processing at the end of the DB2 log using the proper CCSID value:

  1. Change the values for the Replication Agent Codepage and RS_ccsid parameters in the LTMCNFG member of the hlq.JCL data set to reflect the new CCSID value.

  2. Reset the truncation point and rs_locater values to zero. See “Basic Replication Agent troubleshooting tips” on page 81 for instructions.


Example syntax


Default value


Valid values

To determine the appropriate value for the Codepage parameter, refer to the table provided in the CODEPAGE member of the hlq.DOCS library.

Here is an excerpt of the CODEPAGE member:

| This table lists the values to use for the Rep Agent  |
| Codepage= and RS-ccsid= parameters.  The 'DB2 CCSID'  |
| column lists the settings used on the DB2 installation|
| panel 'DSNTIPF'.  This is usually the same as the     |
| CCSID for the user database in which the primary table|
| was created.  The Rep Server/ASE column lists         |
| character set values.  The RS_ccsid value should      |
| reflect the setting of Replication Server's RS_charset|
| configuration parameter.                              |
|           | Rep Server/ASE | Rep Agent  |  Rep Agent  |
| DB2 CCSID | ---------------| Codepage=  |  RS_ccsid=  |
|           | character set  |            |             |
|     37    |    cp437       |     37     |     437     |
     ...          ...             ...           ...
|    500    |    cp437       |    500     |     437     |
|    500    |    iso_1       |    500     |     819     |
|    500    |    cp850       |    500     |     850     |
|    500    | iso15(8859-15) |    500     |     923     |     
     ...          ...             ...           ...
|   5348    |    cp1252      |   5348     |    1252     |

This table matches DB2 CCSIDs with their appropriate Replication Agent Codepage and RS_ccsid configuration parameter values.
