Using sp_configure to set configuration parameters

The full syntax and usage of sp_configure and details on each configuration parameter are covered in Chapter 4, “Setting Configuration Parameters.” The rest of this chapter discusses issues pertinent to configuring the parameters that use Adaptive Server memory.

Execute sp_configure, specifying “Memory Use,” to see these parameter settings on your server.

sp_configure "Memory Use"

A “#” in the “Memory Used” column indicates that this parameter is a component of another parameter and that its memory use is included in the memory use for the other component. For example, memory used for stack size and stack guard size contributes to the memory requirements for each user connection and worker process, so the value is included in the memory required for number of user connections and for number of worker processes, if this is more than 200.

Some of the values in this list are computed values. They cannot be set directly with sp_configure, but are reported to show where memory is allocated. Among the computed values is total data cache size.