Mounting a database

Figure 27-9: mount command

You use the mount command to add the information for devices and other attributes for the database to the destination or secondary Adaptive Server. The mount command decodes the information in the manifest file and makes the set of databases available online. All the required supporting activities are done, including adding database devices if not present and activating them, creating the catalog entries for the new databases, recovering them and putting them online. When you mount databases onto an Adaptive Server:

NoteRemember that if you use the unmount command, the database is removed from the original Adaptive Server with its information on attributes, device names, and so on.


mount all from <manifest_file>

For example:

1> mount database all from "/work2/Devices/Mpubs_file"
2> go

Redo pass of recovery has processed 1 committed and 0 aborted transactions.
MOUNT DATABASE: Completed recovery of mounted database 'pubs2'

Once the mount is completed, the database is still offline. Use the online database command to bring the database online. You do not have to reboot the server.