Using sp_dbrecovery_order

To use sp_dbrecovery_order to enter or modify a user-defined recovery order, you must be in the master database and have System Administrator privileges. Any user, in any database, can use sp_dbrecovery_order to list the user-defined recovery order of databases.

The syntax for sp_dbrecovery_order is:

     [database_name [, rec_order [, force]]]


Recovery order must be consecutive, starting with 1. You cannot assign a recovery sequence of 1, 2, 4, with the intention of assigning a recovery order of 3 to another database at a later time.

To insert a database into a user-defined recovery sequence without putting it at the end, enter rec_order and specify force. For example, if databases A, B, and C have a user-defined recovery order of 1, 2, 3, and you want to insert the pubs2 database as the second user database to recover, enter:

sp_dbrecovery_order pubs2, 2, force

This command assigns a recovery order of 3 to database B and a recovery order of 4 to database C.