Recovery order

Since Adaptive Server 11.9.2, users have been able to specify the order in which databases are recovered for all or a subset of user databases. You can configure more important databases to be recovered earlier using sp_dbrecovery_order.

Adaptive Server 12.5.1 uses parallel recovery tasks to determine the next database to be recovered according to the user-specified order. The remaining databases are recovered in the order of their database IDs. The time to recover a database is dependent on many factors, including the size of the recoverable log. Hence, recovery can complete in an order other than which it started. For applications that need to enforce that databases are brought online in the same order as the recovery order, Adaptive Server provides the strict option in sp_dbrecovery_order.

sp_dbrecovery_order has an additional parameter indicating the online ordering.

sp_dbrecovery_order [database_name [, rec_order [, force [ relax | strict ]]]]

The default is relax, which means that databases are brought online immediately when recovery has completed.