Adding logins to support unified login

When users log in to Adaptive Server with a pre-authenticated credential, Adaptive Server:

  1. Checks whether the user is a valid user in master..syslogins. If the user is listed in master..syslogins, Adaptive Server accepts the login without requiring a password.

  2. If the user name is not in master..syslogins, Adaptive Server checks whether a default secure login is defined. If the default login is defined, the user is logged in successfully as that login. If a default login is not defined, Adaptive Server rejects the login.

Therefore, consider whether you want to allow only those users who are defined as valid logins to use Adaptive Server, or whether you want users to be able to login with the default login. You must add the default login in master..syslogins and use sp_configure to define the default. For details, see “Establishing a secure default login”.