EAServer process must be bound to one CPU

(CR #487309) When the PBVM allocates memory for a stream of GetFullstate(SH_MI_DATA_BLOB::Reserve), PowerBuilder does not check the return values of malloc and realloc. If the values are invalid EAServer may crash.

Workaround: Bind the EAServer process to one CPU:

  1. Log in as the super user.

  2. To view the status of the existing processor sets, run:


    The processor number is in SPU_LIST.

  3. Run:

    psrset -c [processor_list]

    This creates a new processor set and displays the processor set identification number (pset_id) for the new processor set. For example, the following command creates processor set 1:

    psrset -c 1
  4. To bind pid_list to pset_id, run:

    psrset -b pset_id pid_list

    For example, the following command binds pid 12345 to pset_id 1, where 12345 is the pid of EAServerRun:

    psrset -b 1 12345
  5. Restart EAServer.