Configuring JMS information

If your messaging system is a JMS messaging system, enter the JMS connection information and destination type and name in the JMS Information page of the Create Connection wizard. RepConnector supports EAServer JMS, Web Logic Server JMS, TIBCO Enterprise for JMS, SonicMQ JMS, and any J2EE-compliant JMS system.

See your JMS Server product document for more information.

Before you configure your JMS queue, verify that your application server is started. If you are using EAServer, verify that the message service is configured. See Chapter 4, “Configuring the Messaging System,” for more information.

If your connection is to a JMS message queue or topic, enter the following information on the JMS Information page of the Create Connection wizard.

  1. Choose the destination type:

  2. Enter the JMS provider URL in the JMS Provider URL field.

    This URL is the host name and port number that will be used to connect to the JMS Server.

  3. Enter the class name of the specific JMS provider’s initial naming context factory in the Initial Naming Context Factory field or select a value from the drop-down list.

  4. Enter the name of the connection factory administered object in the Connection Factory field or, select a value from the drop-down list.

  5. Enter the name of the destination, for example, if the destination is a JMS queue, enter:

  6. Enter the user name and password for the queue or topic, for example, enter jagadmin with no password.

  7. If you have selected Topic as the destination type, enter the name of one or more durable subscribers in the Topic Subscribers field, separated by commas.

    Durable subscribers are subscribers who are interested in receiving messages from the selected published topic. For example, enter:


    NoteThe list of durable subscribers must be separated by commas and cannot contain spaces between each name.

  8. If you are routing events from messaging to database, enter name of the destination in the Status Destination field.

    The status destination queue or topic you define is used for a client application to listen for an error message (if any) that may result in the event sent to the database.

If you have just configured inbound information, go back to step 10 in “Adding and configuring a new connection”.