Decimal float support

DECFLOAT is a new DB2 version 9.1 built-in SQL real-number (IEEE 754r format) datatype. Use DECFLOAT in a table when numeric values containing decimal points are too large to fit in a floating point or decimal column. Use DECFLOAT to minimize the effects of rounding or to represent extremely large values that need more precision than what is provided by an IEEE floating point value.

DECFLOAT is a finite number with a decimal point. It has a precision of up to 34 digits. The decimal position is stored in each decimal floating point value.

Note Replication Agent for DB2 UDB sends the DECFLOAT value to Replication Server, which then passes the value to the target database for the replicated table. Because some databases do not support decimal or floating point values with the precision of DECFLOAT, some precision may be lost during replication.

See the IBM DB2 version 9.1 for z/OS documentation for more information.