Installation and configuration

ESD2 for Mainframe Connect Server Option for CICS and Client Option for CICS contains all of the modules needed to run the original Sybase listener and TCP/IP interface or the new Sybase TCP/IP implementation based on the IBM CICS sockets interface. You can choose to configure and use either implementation, but not both at the same time. The two implementations cannot co-exist in the same CICS region.

Because the two implementations cannot co-exist, the original Sybase TCP/IP configuration and control tools cannot be used with the CICS sockets interface implementation. For example, the Sybase transactions SYCM, SYOP, SYCL and the configuration module SYLSCFG are replaced by the IBM transactions EZAC and EZAO, along with the new configuration module SYBTPSEC. Also, the Socket Handler transaction SYSH replaces the gatewayless Context Handler SYCH.

Original Sybase TCP/IP interface

To configure and use the original Sybase listener and TCP/IP interface, follow the procedures described in the Mainframe Connect Server Option 12.6 for CICS Installation and Administration Guide and Mainframe Connect Client Option 12.6 for CICS Installation and Administration Guide.

IBM CICS sockets interface

Before using the CICS sockets interface and the new Sybase TCP/IP listener, make sure that a CICS region has the IBM CICS sockets interface installed and configured. Refer to z/OS Communications Server: IP CICS Sockets Guide for details.