

Converts a string whose value is a valid date to a value of datatype date.


Date ( string )




A string containing a valid date (such as Jan 1, 2004, or 12-31-99) that you want returned as a date


Date. Returns the date in string as a date. If string does not contain a valid date, Date returns null.


The value of the string must be a valid date.

Valid dates

Valid dates can include any combination of day (1–31), month (1–12 or the name or abbreviation of a month), and year (two or four digits). Leading zeros are optional for month and day. If the month is a name or an abbreviation, it can come before or after the day; if it is a number, it must be in the month location specified in the Windows control panel. A 4-digit number is assumed to be a year.

If the year is two digits, the assumption of century follows this rule: for years between 00 and 49, the first two digits are assumed to be 20; for years between 50 and 99, the first two digits are assumed to be 19. If your data includes dates before 1950, such as birth dates, always specify a four-digit year to ensure the correct interpretation.

The function handles years from 1000 to 3000 inclusive.

An expression has a more limited set of datatypes than the functions that can be part of the expression. Although the Date function returns a date value, the whole expression is promoted to a DateTime value. Therefore, if your expression consists of a single Date function, it will appear that Date returns the wrong datatype. To display the date without the time, choose an appropriate display format. (See “Using DataWindow expression functions”.)


Example 1

These expressions all return the date datatype for July 4, 2004 when the default location of the month in Regional Settings is center:

Date("2004 July 4")
Date("July 4, 2004")

See also