Installing Real-Time Data Services

This section discusses how to install Real-Time Data Services with a system using Adaptive Server Enterprise. To install Real-Time Data services with a system using RepConnector, see “Installing RTDS using RepConnector”.

To install Adaptive Server Enterprise, follow the instructions in the Adaptive Server Enterprise installation guide for your platform. Include the messaging license that RTDS requires during your Adaptive Server installation:

NoteYou must install Adaptive Server before you can configure RTDS.

For information on how to install:

Once you have installed Adaptive Server and TIBCO EMS, EAServer, or MQ, see “Adding an RTDS license for Adaptive Server Enterprise version 15.01 ESD #1”.

Files on the installation CD

RTDS 4.0 installs the following files into the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/lib directory (%SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\bin in Windows):