Server Error Messages 1000-1099



Text and Explanation



 Abstract Plan (AP) Internal Error : An error occurred while looking for the AP group ID in sysattributes. If the error persists, please contact Sybase Technical Support. 

Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any diagnostic action indicated by the message. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Abstract Plan Internal Error : Attempting to hard-cast the non-object data structure at %1! as an APOM object. Please contact Sybase Technical Support. 

Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any diagnostic action indicated by the message. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Abstract Plan (AP) : The query does not contain an UNION operator to match the one in the AP expression. The AP will not be applied. Check the AP syntax and its correspondence to the query. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The number of operands of the UNION operator in the AP differs from the number of sides of the UNION SQL query. The extra items will be ignored. Check the AP syntax and its correspondence to the query. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



 Abstract Plan (AP) : The AP expression does not contain an UNION operator to match the one in the SQL query. The AP will not be applied. Check the AP syntax and its correspondence to the query. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The number of operands of the PLAN operator in the AP differs from the number of steps needed to compute the query. The extra items will be ignored. Check the AP syntax and its correspondence to the query. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The SQL query step does not create a work table matching the one described by the corresponding STORE operator in the AP. This part of the AP will not be applied. Check the AP syntax and its correspondence to the query. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The AP expression describes a bushy join tree, while the Server only supports left deep join trees. The bushy right join operand will not be applied. Check the AP syntax. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The SQL query step does not contain a subquery to match the subquery %d described in the AP. The subquery will be ignored. Check the AP syntax and its correspondence to the query. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The SQL query step does not contain a base table to match the base table ’%.*s’ described in the AP. The base table will be ignored. Check the AP syntax and its correspondence to the query. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The SQL query step does not contain a work table to match the work table ’%.*s’ described in the AP. The work table will be ignored. Check the AP syntax and its correspondence to the query. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The AP expression uses the work table ’%.*s’, but does not define it through a STORE operator. The table will be ignored. Check the AP syntax. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The AP expression describes the materialization of a join, while the Server only supports single table reformatting. The operand of the STORE operator will be ignored. Check the AP syntax. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



 Abstract Plan (AP) : %s; line %d, occurring near ’%.*s’. Check the AP syntax. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



 Abstract Plan (AP) : The correlation name ’%.*s’ is used in the AP expression for the table ’%.*s’ and in the SQL query for the table ’%.*s’. The table will be ignored. Check the AP syntax and its correspondence to the query. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : You cannot use a variable of type %s. Use CHAR, VARCHAR or TEXT instead. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : There is no destination group for the new AP. The AP was not created. Specify a destination group within the statement or enable the AP capture mode. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



 Abstract Plan (AP) : sysqueryplans manager error. The operation was aborted, no AP was created or deleted. 

Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any diagnostic action indicated by the message. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Abstract Plan (AP) : There is no AP group with the name ’%.*s’. The AP mode settings will not be changed. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The %s mode is already enabled for group ’%.*s’. The AP mode settings will not be changed. To enable the LOAD mode for another group, disable it first. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



Abstract Plan (AP) : The REPLACE sub-mode is already enabled. 




Abstract Plan (AP) : The DUMP mode is not enabled. Adaptive Server cannot enable the REPLACE sub-mode. Enable the DUMP mode first. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.



 Abstract Plan (AP) : The %s mode is not currently enabled. The AP mode settings will not be changed. 

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Contact your System Administrator.



 Abstract Plan (AP) : The LOAD mode is not enabled. Adaptive Server cannot enable the EXISTS CHECK sub-mode. Enable the LOAD mode first. 

Explanation: Refer to the Adaptive Server Reference Manual for information about the stored procedure you were running when you got this message.